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Be cautious with your bandwith.

I’m allergic to jargon.

But there’s one word that has entered my vocabulary that adore – ‘bandwith’ (credit to Natalie Leu for introducing me to this. Go check out her podcast. If everyone works on their emotional stuff, society will be a better place right?).

Your ‘bandwith’ is the amount of brain space you have. To say ‘I’m at capacity’ annoys the (recovering) perfectionist in me. ‘Mental energy’ is not quite right.

Bandwith is on the money/hits the spot (to use more jargon).

Our bandwith is limited. There is only so much noise we can cope with. And I’d encourage you to purposely invest your bandwith in the noise that aligns with your values, meets your needs and enhances your life.

To free up brain-space, we do, however, need to cut back investment in other areas. Inspired by the activities in the book, ‘Don’t Overthink It’, I’m streamlining (more jargon? What’s not jargon at this point?) parts of my life.

What this looks like:

-          I have a printed list of TV shows and films next to my TV to avoid online platform vortexes.

-          Every night I make a packed lunch and look out my clothe for the next day. I’m considering getting a work uniform. Leggings, tunic and big 90’s trainers – what do you think?

-          Each week I set aside time to plan my meals, exercise and schedule fun.

By investing in this pre-prep, I free up bandwith for creative pursuits, and just general life.

How do you feel about this? Do you see the value in automating things in advance?