30 things I wish I’d known aged 13
Hurrah for a big lockdown 3-decade birthday!
It’s been a colourful/challenging 30 years for me. My mission for world-changing has very much been fuelled by these experiences.
In honour of the Jennifer Gardner classic movie ’13 Going on Thirty’ (one of my any actress lookalikes apparently), I’ve put together a list of 30 things I wish I’d known aged 13. Of course, there are a lot of equalities reflections in there <3
Cheers to another decade of making the world a better place, and having a little fun along the way.
1. You will survive adolescence. It will be hard, but you will learn to process this.
2. Not everyone’s brain works like yours. This is a both a blessing and a curse.
3. Getting to know new people and talking too much is a skill called ‘networking’. Most people find this awkward.
4. You’ll survive a global health pandemic. While living on your own.
5. Experiencing mental health problems so young will equip you with titanium resilience.
6. Dancing will always cheer you up.
7. Invest stock in a company called ‘Zoom’.
8. People pay attention to you if you make them laugh.
9. Your energy and enthusiasm will never run out. Never ever.
10. One day people will start asking for your opinion on things and you will suddenly realise that you have become an ‘expert’.
11. Adverts about women’s periods having to be a secret are nonsense.
12. Saying ‘that’s so gay’ is stigmatising.
13. Sad people are often angry people.
14. Hurt people hurt other people.
15. No means no, kid. If it feels wrong, it is. You are not obliged to do anything.
16. Don’t attend ‘plagiarism’ lectures every year in further education.
17. Mainstream education is made for the majority.
18. Men will break your heart. Someone called Taylor Swift will happen and you’ll get over them.
19. Being playful is not the same as being immature.
20. Your tribe are the ones who have a sparkle in their eyes. Watch out for them.
21. Don’t try to save people who don’t want saving.
22. Always be kind, no matter who they are.
23. …. Unless this kindness compromises you being kind to yourself.
24. Society tries to squeeze people into a ‘normal’ box. Continue to dance on the boxes of normality.
25. You will re-write your narrative during training to be a therapist. Owning your truth ROCKS.
26. You will pass your driving test first time!! (But you will still be a really bad driver)
27. Sometimes the ‘professionals’ do not know best.
28. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
29. The definition of success will change over time for you.
30. You will try. Goodness, you will try. And people will respect you for that.
Which ones do you wish you had known aged 13? What would you add?