‘Behind the Zoom Bookshelf’: Lessons from my virtual backdrop on business.
As we all have been showing off our bookshelves in our virtual backdrops, I have decided to do a series of blog posts deep-diving into the books that can be spotted on my shelves.
I’ve pulled out some lessons and quotes that resonated with me. As we carve out a better future for everyone, let’s take time to reflect on what knowledge and experience we have absorbed from the past.
I’d love to hear if you’ve read the books I mention and what you took from them. Reach out to me on my contact page to let me know. Also, please let me know what must-reads I’ve missed from each category!
Caption: A photo of 4 business books.
‘Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose’ by Tony Hsieh.
Caption: photo of Zappos book.
What Lynn Learned: The real meaning of workplace innovation. This was truly eye-opening for me and the moment I was like, 'THIS is how workplace culture should be done'.
Fave Quote: 'Create fun and a little weirdness' - 'We want just a touch of weirdness to make life more interesting and fun for everyone. We want the company to have a unique and memorable personality. Our company culture is what makes us successful, and in our culture we celebrate and embrace our diversity and each person's individuality.'
Scribble scale: Pages curled down, lots of starred quotes and underlines.
Why it's relevant right now: For the 'new normal' and 'building back better', we can take lessons from those who were not doing 'normal' pre-COVID.
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‘How I Did It: Zappos’s CEO on Going to Extremes for Customers’
What They Don't Teach You At Harvard Business School, by Mark H. McCormack.
Caption: Photo of ‘What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School’
What Lynn Learned: This is self-explanatory through the title - loads of business lessons are not through mainstream education.
Fave quote: 'Manage unconventionally. Don't just look for opportunities to do the unexpected. Create them. Aggressively pursue change. Make managing an active verb'.
Scribble scale: Lots of turned down corners but clear pages.
Why it's relevant right now: Some of the language and assumptions may be outdated, but there's loads to reflect on about how we show up in business and can improve and invest in our relationships with people.
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An article on Mark McCormack from the Observer from 1999
‘100 Tricks to Appear Smart In Meetings’ by Sarah Cooper.
Caption: Photo of ‘How to Appear Smart in Meetings’ book
What Lynn Learned: How to make sense of grown-up meetings. And that I am often a walking cliche myself.
Fave quote: 'You will always appear as if you're thinking bigger than everyone else by bringing up a framework for moving forward, or a model of thinking, or how we can turn this into a platform'
Scribble scale: Clean pages for the lovely pictures.
Why it's relevant right now: Hey, we all need a giggle right now. Serious note - it highlights the major opportunity in ditching meetings in the remote world and doing asynchronous work.
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‘Grit: Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success’ by Angela Duckworth.
Caption: Photo of ‘Grit’ book.
What Lynn Learned: That the years and years of caring so much and working really hard are possibly not fruitless - just a pre-condition for success.
Fave quote: 'To be gritty is to invest, day after week after year, in challenging practice. To be gritty is to fall down seven times, and rise eight'
Scribble scale: No scribbles but well-worn pages and smells delightfully second hand!
Why it's relevant right now: 'Resilience' is the in vogue word. Here's the book on it.
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Watch the author’s Ted Talk: the power of passion and perseverance.