
I create. I explore. I read. I write.

Here ‘s my latest creative and cultural adventures.


Book 'The art of life admin' on a table with a rose

Post-pandemic, I’m determined to make life admin as efficient as possible. I really want to devote time to my values - personal development, creativity, fun and joy.

This book has some great ways to get on top of life admin and make it work for you.


A Spooky Pumpkin

I love making things with my hands. I find it really helps me get into a state of flow and mindfulness. Halloween was a great excuse to get carving and creative.

Lynn dressed as a jellyfish

Halloween Costume

I help out at a dance class with children and, of course, for Halloween week, I needed a costume. These materials were sourced for under £10! (I’m a jellyfish, in case you couldn’t tell)

Listening to

Screenshot of podcast on phone

Brene Brown’s ‘Unlocking Us’ Podcast

Fave quote from this episode: ‘You either win or you get a great story’.


Things I learned at the Future Business Forum


Lockdown With Lynn: How to create a more comfortable Covid working-from-home experience