Equalities Confidante #3: Why are we still talking about the gender pay gap?
Hold on. It’s 2020. There was that #metoo movement. Jobs are advertised at set salaries.
Why are we still talking about the gender pay gap?
Quite simply, it still exists. BIG time. In 2019, the gender pay gap for full-time employees was 8.9% and for all employees the figure was 17.3%.
The Fawcett Society says it will take 60 years to close the gender pay gap.
That’s AGES.
Watch this video and scroll the images to find out more about the gender pay gap and its causes.
Text in the images:
1) The gender pay gap still exists. So we need to keep taking action.
2) Stereotyping means women are more likely to be in low paid roles.
3) Discrimination occurs in pay and rewards at work.
4) Women are likely to have caring responsibilities which impacts on their career.
Remember! Different types of women will have different experiences and face different barriers.
Keen to find out more? Close the Gap has it covered in, ‘Everything you wanted to know about the gender
pay gap but were afraid to ask’.