Introducing…. New Year’s Inclusive Resolutions

Mind 2020? The year where we all got dumped remotely and were thrust into the virtual world.

We all know that online engagement has never been more crucial, both during the current circumstances and futureproofing for a radically changed world.  Engaging virtually with others in a way that is inclusive ensures that our people can meaningfully participate in our activities.

I spent a lot of time thinking about this in 2020.

Caption: Lynn thinking about a brighter future.

Caption: Lynn thinking about a brighter future.

Being a neurodiverse person and knowing quite a bit about equalities, means that I am driven to ensure that every person feels included in this adapted way of operating in society.

And let’s pause there.

This dispersed, flexible, home-based, often lone-based, workplace is not a choice for most. People have lost supports, interactions, routine. There was not a graded migration for this. We retrospectively did risk assessments and set up whatsapp groups, while still having our eyes on ‘when it will go back to normal’.

This shift has brought many benefits that we can celebrate, and I look forward to hand-holding organisations as they adopt blended structures. It’s exciting, right?

But overwhelming too.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland has considered the different audiences which face barriers due to digital exclusion. Unsurprisingly, those who were disproportionately affected included those with disabilities, those with caring responsibilities, ethnic minorities and those within lower socio economic groups.

In 2021, I want you to – neigh you NEED to be considering - who are we engaging? Why? Who are we missing? And if we are here together, how do we want to be together? This is across workplaces, and every other activity which has migrated/dumped online.

But meaningfully engaging diverse groups in a virtual way doesn’t happen automatically.

This topic isn’t easy and we can’t be inclusive to everyone all the time. Online engagement best practice is changing everyday, but this topic is too important to wait for perfection.

Ultimately, I have one question – in 2021 is sending a link enough?

And if you think, ‘actually probably not’, I have just the thing for you.

Over the next three weeks I am going to be sending out a newsletter a week inviting you to make three small changes.

These are your New Year’s Inclusive Resolutions.

Week one will be on inclusive online events and meetings, week two will be on accessible communications and week three is inclusive language.

In three weeks, we might not be able to change the entire world – but together, if we all commit to making these small changes, the impact will be huge. This is your chance to start making positive change.

I understand people are often too apprehensive to engage in the world of equalities because of the fear of getting it ‘wrong’.

Well, here’s an example of me trying to take a photo and getting it ‘wrong’:

Caption: Lynn using tripod to take photograph and cutting off her head.

Caption: Lynn using tripod to take photograph and cutting off her head.

I’m still glad I tried, and by shot 6 I managed to get my whole head in the photo.

With all inclusive practice, the secret ingredient is being aware of barriers and committing to improving. Showing you are open and willing to understand is world-changing in itself.

To get involved, all you have to do is subscribe to my newsletter. These emails will be dropping in your inbox on Fridays in January and I do hope you set aside 30 minutes each week to work on the wee activity.

This is a safe space for you to try. You have my permission to get it wrong.

I’m going to be doing a lot of self-prioritising in January due to #life so I’m depending on you being motivated to take this forward. It should be easy enough 😊

If you do find it helpful, I’m hoping to do some more supported-change-programmes in future with more cheerleading and hand-holding from me – maybe some webinars, an online community, assigning you an ‘Accountabuddy’.

Are you in? Of course you are!

If you haven’t yet signed up for my newsletter, then pop in your email now! And if you know a colleague who should be joining in our New Year’s Inclusive Resolutions, then get them signed up too!

Here’s to keeping our Inclusive New Years’ Resolutions, for a brighter, kinder, more colourful 2021.


Inclusive Resolution #1: I will make my virtual meetings and events more inclusive.


2020 New Year’s Resolutions I Didn’t Achieve