What diversity and inclusion policies do employees REALLY want?

Do you know what I love more than equality, diversity and inclusion policies? ️

(Apart from nights with fizzy wine, pic n mix, Gilmore girls and a jigsaw)

Policies that people really WANT. And that WORK.

I’m not talking policies that look good on annual reports. I’m not talking dusty-shelf organisation values.

We’re talking about inclusion that lives and breathes in workplaces and benefits minority groups. 

What do employees want?

✅ leadership action not words.

✅ tailored approaches, involving those impacted.

✅ data that shows progress.

Caption: ‘What diversity and inclusion policies do employees REALLY want? Leadership commitment, metrics, a tailored approach’.

Caption: ‘What diversity and inclusion policies do employees REALLY want? Leadership commitment, metrics, a tailored approach’.

Focus on these three things and in a year’s time I bet you’ll be celebrating equality progress, not just regretting hours on working groups.


Inspired by a Harvard Business Review article by Matt Krenz.


EC#5: ‘But that’s not fair!’


Equalities Confidante #4: What are the ‘right’ sexual orientation and trans terms?