Why equalities isn’t kind

Kindness has been having a moment this year. Communities have been kinder to each other as the world has become unthinkably cruel.

If you haven’t been inspired to action so far in 2020, it’s #NationalKindnessDay today. A quick hashtag search should give ya lots of ideas.

Being kind to each other is great. Being kind to yourself is a massive achievement that keeps you mentally well.

But I want to challenge the idea that the world of equality, diversity and inclusion is about being ‘kind’.

Promoting equality of opportunity is not an act of ‘kindness’ – it is a legal requirement under the Equalities Act 2010 and redresses years of disadvantage for certain groups.

Embracing diversity is not ‘kindness’ - it gives essential recognition to a range of characteristics who have historically been excluded.

Committing to inclusion is not ‘kindness’ – it is an unavoidable aspect of interactions with humans and needs to have resource to be effective.

To be a decent human being, choose to be kind to everyone.

Investing in equality is a core part of business.


Seven equalities energisers to liven up a lack-luster zoom.


No, I can’t: Why you need to (really) recognise your limits.