
I create. I explore. I read. I write.

Here ‘s my latest creative and cultural adventures.

Getting a new perspective…

By sitting on the floor

Go on.

If you are able, crouch down and look up.

Listening to…

Creative Pep Talk, the awesome podcast for creative souls.

The episode with Jonathan Fields of the Good Life Project is wonderful to identify what makes your heart sing.

I especially love his good-life-o-metre on his website.

This podcast is going to be fuelling me over the festive period.

Connecting with…


Sitting down for 30 mins on a Sunday with my crayons or chalks (even when it is freezing) is lighting me up right now.

I love fresh air. I love the stillness.

I need to remember to keep this time precious.

More nature

How great are swans? I love swans.


Lessons from ‘Never Split the Difference’, by Chris Voss


How to run an accessible conference