Newsletters that I don't send straight to spam.
I’m one of the rare people who loves a newsletter.
A dose of summed up highlights about a topic of interest straight to my inbox?
Yes please.
But, I’m also guilty of being a bit too ‘tab-tastic’. I often find myself in a hyperlink-vortex, trying to read everything about everything.
How to stay-up-to date with all this good stuff?!
Well, I thought I’d help you out and give you a list of a few newsletters that I find super-duper useful. The ones that, after prioritising, I will still make time to read.
Caption: Image saying ‘Newsletters that I don’t send straight to spam’.
For all the latest employment law updates, the ACAS newsletter has all the essential info. Useful resources, training and updates.
For work culture, I adore ‘Make work better’ by Bruce Daisley and ‘Reset’ by Kevin Delaney. Everything you need to know about work culture shifts during and post-pandemic.
For leadership reflections, Tom McCallum shares frequent insights. He always writes in an accessible way that makes complex topics really interesting.
For recruitment and Instagram expertise, you need AllyHires in your life. An IG idol to me and she often shares fab freebies too.
For professional development and networking, subscribe to JCI Scotland. In the past year their virtual events programme has been one of the best out there and JCI President, Katie Black, puts together a fab monthly round-up.
For a weekly thought-piece on neurodiversity, sign up for insights from Professor Amanda Kirby. I read her full articles every week and nod along enthusiastically.
For more connection, sign up to the Joy List. This is a weekly newsletter which offers the most wonderful array of events, ideas and workshops on connection from the fabulous Jillian Richardson.
For learning from the best in the business, subscribe to the Marketing Meet-up by Joe. Goodness, he shows you how to write a darn good newsletter. These newsletters make me swoon.
What newsletters do you always open? Is it because of delicious content, the timing, the layout, the humour?
Let me know.