Open leadership, flow and the power of belonging.

What’s next?

A question we have all been asking ourselves for over a year.

An exciting question.

A scary question?

A question that I had the joy of exploring with Tom McCallum recently.

Tom facilitates WhatComesNext.Live - a podcast recorded and broadcast live featuring a thirty-minute conversation with an inspiring leader.

And he asked me to be one of those inspiring leaders!

Caption: Screenshot of Lynn being interviewed by Tom.

Caption: Screenshot of Lynn being interviewed by Tom.

We had a lively chat for 30 minutes (and we chatted for much longer after that), which felt like a meeting of kindred spirits. Topics covered include flow, adaptable communication, cognitive diversity, flow mindset, growth mindset, inclusive language and recovering from perfectionism.

It was a joy to be allowed to show up and be ‘seen’.

And, in case you are wondering, who is Tom?

Tom is a driven by #MakingPotentialPossible. He works as a Sounding Board, to support leaders on their journey. He’s interviewed all sorts of awesome guests on his podcast. He writes daily on various topics, from leadership to creativity, so definitely sign up for his newsletter.

And if you fancy sound-boarding on some confusing equalities issues? Be sure to join our Imperfect Inclusive Community.


What does diversity and inclusion have to do with effective leadership?


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