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People who did Black History Month better than me.

Wowza. What a Black History Month.

Earlier this year, #BlackLivesMatter stormed into our (in)equalities landscape and continues to unapologetically and necessarily raise awareness of the massive race issues that permeate our society.

Hopefully, Black History Month has now given us all calls to action to ensure these conversations and practical solutions will continue.

As a white woman, and a whole-hearted ally, here’s some people, organisations, and campaigns that are doing Black History Month better than me:

1)      If you are based in Scotland, the Coalition of Racial Equality Rights is the place to start. Head here for amazing projects, facts and campaigns. Definitely check out the Race Equality Framework for Scotland 2016-2030.

2)      Talat Yaqoob is an outstanding campaigner, writer, consultant (and dare I say grown-up friend) whose name will (and should) come up in all conversations about race equality. Get involved in her work and support the awesome Pass the Mic campaign.

3)      Amina MWRC carries out development with Muslim women, as well as partnership work to enable community cohesion and overcome stereotypes and misunderstanding between communities. Their #ReclaimTheName work in October highlighted narratives surrounding marginalized groups and identities – have a look.

4)      A recent addition to my LinkedIn network is Hannah Awonuga. She has kicked Black History Month out the park with her personal anecdotes, career advice and tips – absolutely loved this! She offers career development coaching with Rarity London Career Services – a recognised essential to support women, and especially ethnic minorities, reach their potential.

5)      Looking to attract top talent? Harper Fox will get you the right people, and, equally important, will bring diverse voices to the table – a proven business benefit.

We’re all on an inclusion journey. These are the voices that I’ll be using to guide me in my role as an ally.

Join me.  (No excuses for saying ‘I don’t know where to start’!)