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Seven equalities energisers to liven up a lack-luster zoom.

I’ve been loving the honesty levels from people recently about their frustrations with intense online engagement. Well, obviously not the frustration part – but the honesty.

How often before COVID did we share our true feelings about meetings and events?

No one would ever post regularly online that they felt meetings were double the length that they needed to be, or that there was never enough time for lunch (remember when we used to actually eat together? The GERMS!).

Our shift to virtual engagement has brought our ways of working under the microscope. Light has been thrown on all our sloppy training activities and the sessions that we only half-prepared for. I’m trying to become laser-sharp with agendas and minimise the de-railing as much as possible (I do have loads of great stories though).

I’ve been having a lot of reflections recently about the future of online engagement (I imagine you have too?). Expect a lot more reflections on this as I am super keen to keep contributing thinking to this shift to widespread blended cultures. A lot of my thinking has been prompted by webinar from Dave White (a webinar which actually felt shorter than an hour). This guy has some great stuff to say. And he’s been saying it for years, not COVID-bandwagoning like me.

More closer to home, two of my personal traits have become serious assets in the virtual workplace. Firstly, my willingness to be creative and have fun. My peers now call me, ‘Ice-Breaker Queen’ due to my habit of whipping out a last minute get-to-know-you game.

Secondly, my puppy-like boundless energy. An online meeting that gets you engaged and alert can leave you feeling sparked, lively and snapped-out of the monotony of back-to-back virtual meetings/family engagements/life drawing/whatever-else-is-coming-to-a-screen-near-you.

Caption: Photo of laptop with resource downloaded.

In manner of bottling these attributes, I have pulled together seven equality-themed energisers that can be lifted for online sessions. These range in length and in the size of audience that they can be used for. They would be best suited for sessions themed on inclusion ad diversity issues, but, as we all know, equality is a hot topic, therefore a quick introduction to this issue could be welcome in a variety of spaces.

How much am I charging for this resource?

Nothing! No pennies! It’s freely available for download when you sign up for my newsletter.

Head to my homepage and pop in your email address.

There’s at least one thing that you don’t need to read tiered-locality-specific-guidance on.