Jargon and Judgement Free Training and Facilitation

Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid

10% off bookings when you quote ‘it’s my birthday’ by March 31st.

Flexible and Fun Facilitation

Lynn has over a decade of experience in learning and development, obtaining four train the trainer qualifications along the way, and she uses this to design and deliver flexible (and fun!) training, tailored to suit your needs.

These facilitated workshops, webinars and programs equip organisations with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to meet their goals.

Her extensive expertise in facilitation in a variety of settings and passion for co-production means that she excels in creating safe learning environments, with intersectionality at the heart. She enjoys bringing creative ideas to life through learning. Through her work with students, politicians, children with additional support needs and senior leaders, she truly ‘speaks the language’ of the audience.

She can guide your team through engaging discussions, practical exercises, and real-world case studies to deepen understanding and inspire action.

Whether you are looking for in-person, online, or hybrid learning or facilitation, she can support you with active and experiential learning solutions to enhance your Team’s skills.

Its time to book your Co-Pilot to equip your team with practical skills.

Scottish Mental Health First Aid Leaflet

Page One and Page Two.


  • In person 12-hour courses that equip people with skills to supphttps://www.smhfa.com/ort those in mental health crises.

    Accredited by Public Health Scotland.

    Full information on course available online.

    Additional mental health workshops and sessions available: Managing Mental Health; How to Talk About Mental Health; Reasonable Adjustments and Mental Health; Wellbeing at Work.

  • Workshop topics include: Inclusive Learning for Adults, Inclusive Online Communities, Imperfect Inclusive Events.

  • Workshop topics include: Understanding Neurodiversity, Creating Inclusive Environments, Supporting Neurodivergent Employees, Supporting Neurodivergent Students.

  • Workshops include: Personal Branding Without the Ick, ‘You Can’t Say That!’ - Inclusive Language Essentials, Accessible Communication Made Attainable, Campaigns with Impact, Internal Engagement Strategies.

  • Workshop specialisms: Inclusive Boards and Governance, Squiggly Career Advice, Disability Equality, Discrimination Law, Diversity Champions and Networks, Diversity Data, Equality Impact Assessment, Equality Standards - Stonewall etc, Human Rights Approach, Inclusive Leadership, Inclusive Policies (development and review), Inclusive Recruitment, Managing Change, Measuring Impact, Pay Gaps and Equal Pay, Psychological Safety, Unconscious Bias.

  • Lynn is qualified to run the Fearless Organization Scan with teams, which is an instrument to measure psychological safety and spark conversations. Through this process, teams rate their perceived level of psychological safety and this is used to have open, honest and safe conversations which leads to better working environments.

  • Lynn facilitates team away days that are the perfect opportunity to strengthen relationships, spark creativity, and refocus your team on what matters most.

    Lynn creates customized, interactive away days that are tailored to your team’s needs and goals.

Why Lynn:

  • Accredited Psychological Safety facilitator, Scottish Mental Health First Aid Instructor

  • Completed a Certificate of Professionalism in Innovation Practice and two CMI qualifications in Leadership and Management. 

  • In 2023 appointed by the Scottish Government as Planning, Strategy and Engagement Lead for the Mobility and Access Transport Committee.

  • First Class (Hons) degree in law, social policy and politics.

  • Masters Merit in ‘Creating Online Courses for Adult Learners’ in 2022.

  • Included in BIMA 100 in 2022 which recognises digital leaders as a ‘Champion for Change’.

  • Associate Consultant with Inclusive Employers.

  • Lead digital accessibility consultant advising on a neurodivergent-first EdTech product (2021-2023).

Other CPD: Facilitation Essentials (2020), Applied Suicide Prevention Training (2019), Completed first year of Human Relations and Counselling Diploma. (2020), Gained Certificate of Professionalism in Innovation Practice. (2017), Qualified Citizens Advice Bureau Advisor and Tutor. (2013)

Consultant and Trainer Lynn Pilkington using a highlighter in a coffee shop reviewing the latest innovations in training

Case Study

Case Study

Consultant and Trainer Lynn Pilkington award as a Inclusion Champion in November 2020

Inclusive Online Engagement Express

During the pandemic, Young Enterprise Scotland were faced with adapting events to online delivery. They were keen to learn about accessibility best practice.

Training was designed and delivered to full staff body on the topics relevant to them, role-modelling accessibility best practice. Extensive research completed on accessibility standards.


•Staff applied learning in their roles with young people to make services more inclusive.

•Worked with HR to identify any policy or procedural barriers and recommended accessibility best practice.

•100% of attendees said they will apply what they learned in future.

•100% of attendees said this session was engaging.

Participant 1

“‘I found your passion on the topic to be so infectious and it really got me motivated to learn more about it. I also found it really good that you were so open and not judgemental about people learning and asking questions.

Participant 2

‘I loved your fun and passionate approach combined with the balance of information giving, breakout rooms, feedback etc. Excellent time keeping and inclusivity too!’

Participant 3

‘Excellent food for thought, excellent information sent out in advance, engaging and personal delivery.’